martes, 30 de julio de 2019


Tras la carta publicada por el señor José Miguel Leiva en Algarrobo Digital días atrás, un grupo en los Estados Unidos la tradujo y comenzó a recolectar firmas en apoyo a la defensa de los humedales. Adjuntamos el texto íntegro y las firmas correspondientes.
Esta situación debería ser conocida y entendida por todos los lugareños, santiaguinos, chilenos, extranjeros, el mundo entero! Educación y conciencia para interrumpir el sistema nefasto. Aquí va una traducción en Inglés con firmas de residentes de USA apoyando a la Hermosa cuidad de Algarrobo. 
How come the selfish arrogant interest from housing development corporations can be imposed in our community as they thrive to erase flora and fauna on the already distressed wetlands in order achieve their own business goals?

How come we have to continue supporting our politicians, the ones who receive our votes, as they cover their ears and eyes in front of this tremendous environmental destruction?

This tremendous encroachment onto wetlands puts our whole community at risk, a privileged community thanks to the habitats these wetlands provide.

According to the Kennedy Foundation, protector of the majority of our wetlands, among them The Membrillo, the most threatened by the hands of people with no scrupulous, Algarrobo, almost 20 kilometers long, with 14 micro habitats, which form 7 wetlands of great importance to the regional biodiversity.

The National Ministry recently declared Tunquen Wetland as a natural sanctuary due to its rich native flora and fauna. 

There are two other natural sanctuaries in our community: Pájaros Niños Island and Peñon de Peñablanca, both considered as marine wetlands under an international treaty from 1971 which, according to the Kennedy Foundation, in 1981 Chile reiterated as a protected area, together with the rest of the wetlands, because of their importance to the international animal migration.

All the wetlands in Algarrobo are noticeable for their landscape, their beauty, and their rich diversity of species that depend on these habitats. 

Membrillo Wetland is today threatened. It is formed by a coastal lagoon and two adjacent streams.

This Wetland serves as nesting and transitional homes for a variety of migratory birds. Some 90 species of birds have been identified, together with reptiles and amphibians, all endangered of preservation. In addition, the ravine through which the streams run, is the home of species such as Palma Chilena, which enjoy the areas provided by this habitat. 

Today, dear readers, this Wetland is threatened by fatal housing development projects to be built on this wetland, a place meant to receive significant rain fall and marine water.

As the Foundation works to declare this wetland as a sanctuary, all wetlands are being threatened and taken advantage of due to a Plan of Regulation, created in 1997. 

With the development of housing, our community has experienced an incontrollable and disgusting expansion of people just in the last few years. 

This neglected and explosive expansion of housing takes advantage of the natural water to irrigate their flowers that decorate gardens as they dig deep into underground currents that feed our wetlands.

Thus, here are all the endangered wetlands:

QUEBRADA EL YECO, with valuable ecological species such as Reliptos de Canelo, Pataguas, and endangered Yacas and Chilean frogs.
HUMEDAL SAN GERONIMO, where Taguas and Huairaquillos nest.
HUMEDAL SANTA TERESITA, right next to the church with the same name, and the presence of enormous eucalyptus trees, which absorbe all the water from the wetland.
HUMEDAL TRANQUE ROTO, where all the natural condition exists to provide nesting for Taguitas.
QUEBRADA LAS PETRA, between the area of Algarrobo and El Quisco, which contains vegetation such as Pataguas and Canelos.

We, Algarrobinos, are privileged ... but, for how long? Is it that difficult, Mr. Politicians, to work together and legislate to protect the biodiversity, ecology, and environment?
Is it so hard, Mr. Politicians, to legislate to favor future generations and protect them from future corporation blows of fate?

Mr. Mayor, do you know the existence of these wetlands at all?

You are the ones who represent us to execute and protect our rights and the right to protect our wetlands. 

I understand the political defense from conservatories and rightists who defend these immoral housing developers to wipe out our lands and environment. You are consistent with your immoral values. You have common interest.

But the ones I don’t understand are the politicians of the other political parties: these so-called progressives, environmental and ecological protectors. What are you doing? Blinding your eyes and covering your ears!!!

In defense of our wetlands!

José Miguel Leiva

[We are signing our names to support the people of Algarrobo, Chile to wake up ecological international vigilance:]

Tatiana Leiva
Jed Lundeen
Zeytuna Mohamed
Michael Turbak
Darren Tobolt
Rahn Carlson
Dana Garvey
Jennifer Mickelson
Emily Savage
Shelly Campbell
Beth Turbak
Katherine Garvey
Meg Groeneweg
Jeffrey Olson
Jolene Turbak
Phoua Yang 
Elysia Peitzman
Renee Dorman
Xue Vang
Ed Garvey
Charlotte Landreau
Kelly Lang
Sean O’Reilly 
Dave Peters
Lindsay Lowther
Eric Frost
Ben Groeneweg
Becky Wilson
Heidi Dunlap
Layo Hernandez
Myrna Abrigo
Stella Ashland
Marina Medina
Katy Scanlan
Shelly Peters
Brett Asleson
Jillian Bukowski
Chanda Mulligan
Mikala Villaskey
Nicole Frost
Florence Dubaille
Eric Haugee 
Christie Oberg
Mary Hernandez 
Jessica Johnson
Amanda Herrera
Sarah Imholte
Lee Haugee 
Johan Oberg
Gloria Lopez
Jeffrey White
Peter See
Jeff Rissman
Anthony Taylor
Leah Porter
Melissa Kubousek
Salahadin Mohamed
Xiong Xue
Al Lavin
Carol Markham-Cousins
Amy Vavrika
Kris Heim
Joel Mason

3 comentarios:

  1. Muy bien, en Algarrobo es un patrimonio de la ciudad y en la Provincia de San Antonio,también.

  2. Y qué sacan, si empresas como San Alfonso del Mar, construyen donde quieren, pasando a llevar dunas, quebradas, humedales y un sin fin de flora y fauna nativa de nuestros lugares. La plata todo lo mueve, hasta los permisos de construcción. Es una gran tristeza ver cómo van destruyendo absolutamente todo.

  3. Por qué siempre culpan a las constructoras del desastre causado por sus proyectos y construcciones , SI ES LA MUNICIPALIDAD LA QUE PERMITE QUE ESTO SUCEDA ???? Por favor la responsabilidad es de los dueños de casa y de quien tiene el poder y la autoridad para que esto suceda , es decir , Nuestro Municipio . AHÍ ESTÁ EL VERDADERO PROBLEMA DE ESTA COMUNA . O ESTOY MUY EQUIVOCADO ??
